This is one more product category that is offered with a unique range of
options for the customers to avoid unnecessary complications. The
main method of opting for the right product coinciding with the actual
purpose is very well executed in Kammar Udyog. Our initial stages of
marketing are not directly concerned with only selling the products.
Rather, we, in Kammar Udyog, are focused on understanding the true
requirements of the customer, and accordingly, our expertise comes
with numerous suggestions through KU Steel Tables.
We fabricate compact and sturdy Steel Tables which keep your
valuables extra-safe. Our Heavy-Duty Steel Table is enclosed with a
KU unpickable lock that protects the entire door from hammer attacks,
besides, the doors are specially constructed so that they remain
unmoved when pivots are broken.
Kammar Udyog proposes a good number of options/designs of Steel
Tables for various purposes such as offices, hotels, and petrol pumps.
KU Steel Tables are available in two sub-categories which exhibit
standard models, each of different styles to suit different requirements.
Tabular Office Tables:
Heavy Duty Tables: