Kammar Udyog uses the best-quality steel and the methods of designing and manufacturing which are equal to any of those employed in the top companies worldwide. Kammar Udyog creates an unmatchable composite of brittle and ductile materials to fabricate Steel Jewellery Safes. This composition technique typically creates a composite barrier that will effectively resist heavy attacks on the safes. KU Jewellery safes are so constructed that a man with a reasonable investment can make the best show of the ornaments.
The success of Kammar Steel Jewellery Safe is much influenced by the impression of security, strength, and convenience made when the Goldsmith/Jeweler wants to access the 'secret chamber'. Fundamentally, The KU Steel Jewellery Safes discloses two models, and available in two doors, namely, the 'Standard-Sarafi', and the 'Hinge-Sarafi' model. They are designed and manufactured to assure the greatest degree of safety.

Construction and Workmanship

Exterior Body and Door:The steel sheets used to fabricate Steel Jewellery Safe bodies are of heavy gauge ranging from 3 to 6, and they are tension-flattened in powerful machines. Those sheets are trimmed to an elegant shape and the surface scale is carefully removed before painting. The entire body is constructed with the least number of separate parts to make the safe an integral whole. Thus, our Sarafi Safes are virtually proven to be 'One Piece' safes. Each Sarfi model undergoes an uninterrupted 16-bend construction.

Secret Chamber: Kammar Steel Sarafi Safes are accomplished by skilled craftsmen and hence, customers can discover them with more options for customization. Furthermore, this product category can afford more than one secret chamber and the position of the secret chamber is completely kept ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ in the interest of ‘SAFETY’ and ‘SECURITY’.

Inner Structure: The door frame consists of 14 to 16 shooting bolts (depending on the requirement). The depth of the safe reveals two showcases, one in the center, and also two more on the interior of doors. The arrangement for the adjustment of shelves is either fixed and/or easily adjusted to any position. At the same time, the shelves stay solidly in place, even under the heaviest loads.

Two types of Steel Sarafi Safes:
Hinge-Type Safe is provided with two big lockers at the bottom, and the whole structure is supported on two sturdy legs. Hinge Sarafi Safes have 270-degree opening doors for better-showcasing facilities. The doors are firmly hung to the body using solid and flexible hinges, further, well balanced to facilitate the 270-degree movement of the door.

Standard-Type Safe is a typical KU burglar-proof safe with only 180-degree opening doors. Since it has long doors, the interior spacing is almost doubled. The doors are hung onto the strong pivots and well balanced to secure the facility of movement.

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Finish: In Kammar Udyog, all the products undergo a similar fashion of finishing process. To make the Steel Sarafi Safes look more appealing, they are finished on a glossy surface, such as chocolate and grey enamel paints. Unquestionably, customer’s desire can change the shades on a prior request.


1 Hinge-Type Safe 83"
2 Standard-Type Safe 72"

Contact us

Call: 9980524275
Monday-Saturday (8am-5pm)


Location:Siddheshwar Compund
Bankapur Chowk, PB.Road Hubli 580024, Karnataka, India